Monday, October 24, 2022

David Suchet, the fake Poirot mustache and yours

      I admit that I have been watching older episodes on PBS of David Suchet in the role of Agatha Christie's Hercules Poirot because he looks what I thought you would when you lost most of your hair but still dyed your fake mustache black.

     Since your mustache was never thick in all the years that I knew you, all 17 of them, I wondered if you just glued the newer, fluffy mustache above your lip or if, perhaps, you did to your mustache what Steven Seagal did to his hairline, using hair plugs from the back of his neck implanted into a widow's peak. 

     I knew him when he did that. My daughter and I made a road trip in my old little toy truck from Santa Monica up the coast of southern California and then inland over the San Marcos Pass to Los Olivos where my neighbor and great friend from London was visiting her daughter, Kelly, who was married to Steven at that time. He sat at the dinner table with a little cap on his head to cover up the unsightly plugs and spoke vulgarly to his gun-buying friend Lionel ... in front of the ladies and a little girl. Steven never had a bit of class.

     Nevermind. I digress. The last time that we met you were losing your hair and using Grecian Formula or something to dye it. I guess it must have affected you psychologically to look at yourself with gray hair and, in my view, the silly dyed and fake mustache proves it. You can't bear to look at your real self in the mirror because your personality changed. 

     Maybe watch a bit of David Suchet as Poirot. Bald on top and big brown eyes. Riveting, thinking that you could have been a kind old man instead of one lies through his teeth, who jails his political opponents, allows them to be tortured, denied proper medical care and, like Dr. Singace, even deprived possession of their own writings in your dirty jails.

     I'm think that I'm going to write another book this November. I've written five books in the last 15 years, none of them published yet. So far there have been three about you and two others about 10 years of exploration into virtual relationships which either stayed virtual or moved into real life. Of particular interest to me is the subject of pirates and fake coups, with a fake mustache thrown in for fun.

#HamadBinIsaAlKhalifa #Bahrain #DavidSuchet #HerculesPoirot #AgathaChristie #StevenSeagal #LosOlivos #SantaMonica #GrecianFormula #FakeMustaches #DrSingace