Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sinking planes instead of boats

Reading the coverage about the deliberate sinking off the Bahrain coast of a retired Boeing plane as a marine attraction ... and good practice spot for some frogs ...

reminded me of the negligent sinking of the little speedboat we all played on. Somebody didn't take proper care and down it went, right off the palace dock. Nobody blamed Iran for that one.

This would be a good time to take care, not be negligent in remembering that your first duty is to protect the island. 

Be the peacemaker!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Time for the getaway

Make sure you do full safety check on the choppers every time, if you're still using them. 

Nasser is about to make his move after you lose face from the embarassing failure you've been set up to sponsor, namely the so-called Manama Workshop for part one of Israel and Kushner's No-Peace-For-Palestine Plan later this month.

Sure, a few of you old geezers will get together and kiss Bonesaw's flabby fingers and Mo Zayed's wizened cheeks.

Maybe you'll see your former protege from Morocco or maybe not. I've read press reports saying his attendence will be had and others saying nope. Maybe you'll see the usurper from Jordan who doesn't have half the intellect as the man who'd been intended for the post but at least the usurper has a Palestinian wife instead of an American bitch such as his father chose for his final wife. 

I've read that financial pressure has been applied coercively to the both of those leaders with low cash flow. 

We'll see, eh? Will they all shun you for hosting an overtly anti-Palestinian state (which none of them expected to happen in their lifetime) or show up to overtly support you and put themselves at risk of popular discontent at the groveling to Israel?

Moving to Geneva very soon would be your safe bet. Or maybe Costa Rica. You could abdicate, though, make it a fairer fight between the boys and safer for you. Seriously.