Sunday, July 28, 2019


You are a bloody murderer. 

It wouldn't take someone pulling your toenails out, one at a time, like your thugs do, before you confess that it's your decision -- and yours alone -- that puts other people's children in front of the BDF rifle practice which you call the death penalty. 

You know what it's like to lose a child, but you deliberately cause other parents the worst grief there is, knowing that their children are brutally tortured and then murdered in cold blood because of you.

You are a sick fuck. You should be ashamed to show your face in public, but you have no conscience. 

I knew you'd changed beyond measure the last time that I saw you. I knew that you'd allowed "some of the boys to get carried away" (per Major Johnson) just days before I arrived in Bahrain the last time at the end of September 1980, so proud that some of your "security" forces had murdered political prisoners in the process of torturing them.

Your father, may he rest in peace, would be disgusted with the murderer you've become. I certainly am.

I'm happy that I never have to see your lying, murderous face in person again. 

#HamadBinIsaAlKhalifa #Bahrain