Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Caviar and Coups

Just remembered that when I left Bahrain last and returned to London in March 1981, I had a tin of iced Iranian caviar with me. It was a gift to me from a merchant in the Suq, that I'd hunted up specifically as a gift for my upstairs neighbor at the grotty garret. 

I had to laugh today thinking that it was so easy to get Iranian caviar at the very time when you chaps were practicing your fictional terrorist operation (which I used to call your phony coup) and cooking up some blame for Iran. It's funny, that.

#FalseFlag #Coup #FictionalTerroristOperation #Bahrain #Caviar #BlameIran #London #Helpfromspecialfriends 

Monday, December 24, 2018

Is Trump's Syria Withdrawal Order a Quid Pro Quo for Russian Election Help? Really?

This is hard to understand, how a well-educated and widely read and respected reporter puts forth a ridiculous Russian conspiracy. Man, oh man, this seems like something one would hear in a small old-fashioned coffee shop in the old suq of Manama where the wi-fi is somehow interrupted. The thing is: 1000's of well-educated and important people read the extensive coverage given to certain events she provides. 

I daily read a substantive, somewhat progressive blog about politics and security led by an expert document analyst who links directly to sources for facts, and a team – each with his/her own expertise -- who has worked together for years in different online formats and venues. I think it’s one of the best blogs using documentary evidence in narrow scope within their areas, with a sophisticated narrative.

 However, it is not the only academically expert independent blog about politics and security and it’s become apparent to me that the lead blogger is not an expert in the complexities of the Middle East, nor are the other team members. Her summary of the conspiracy she believes the Mueller investigation will uncover, and as such she continues to promote to this very day, is that Trump is pulling the U.S. military out of Syria as Russia’s reward for its supposed interference in the 2016 election to get him elected, and that the agreement to do so was made manifest the minute he was sworn.

She’s covered a number of substantive issues and I greatly respect her work generally, but when she puts out opinion rather than documentation on Syria, when she advocates for continued U.S. presence there under any pretense, when it’s apparent that she doesn’t read deeply informed opinion such as she can give on her own research subjects, it lowers the quality of her work. It’s removed from documents. She fell for White Hat propaganda about chemical/gas attacks, repeatedly. Her crusade against Russia and Turkey is not quite up to the Mad Cow Maddow standard, but it approaches.

I don’t prefer to argue with her or her colleagues, especially the one whose habit is to demean those who disagree with their vaunted opinions. I don't seek the attention. I won’t name her, but I’m not going to sit still, see the crap folded in with the caviar.

She evidently believes war should be continued because Sultan Erdogan says he will bury the terrorist PKK-aligned Kurds in ditches after the U.S. leaves. She maybe never saw huffing and puffing, man-strutting. She leaves out the complex relationships between the parties in the war and went straight for the R2P propaganda line. She apparently doesn’t read the on-the-ground war reporting done by those with more years of experience than she has; there’s a couple with years of experience with online presence and summaries on Twitter.

So she says that Trump is basically allowing Kurds to be killed by Turks because either the Russians or the Turks or both have compromising evidence of actions taken by Trump which could be released and cause him more legal and political troubles. 

She certainly doesn't understand why Erdogan has gone after Mohammed Salman for murdering Jamal Khashoggi, not even the nutshell version that Bonesaw is unfit for service in defense of the Holy Mosques including Jerusalem. She doesn't appreciate the wily Sultan.

Her team must be backing up her uninformed speculative opinion or they would argue with her in the commentary. I despise Trump too, for a long and lengthening list of dodgy actions he’s taken in the interests of himself and his spawn. However, I think it’s beyond silly to think that removing troops from Syria is a gift to Russia.

It’s a gift to Syria, but a small one, like a slice of good chocolate cake. It doesn’t mean that the schemes against Syria -- of the Turks, Kurds, Israelis, Kushner and Bolton-led neocons along with some dollar diplomacy from Mo Zayed and Bonesaw -- will just fade away. 

Mujtahidd says Bonesaw wants to be Warrior Prince of a big war with American bombs and bombers following his and Mo Zayed's catastrophic failure in Yemen, whilst Netanyahoo and Trump both need a serious diversion to escape pending legal woes. He suggested that the Mattis's resignation as Sec Def wasn't merely in opposition to Trump's demand that the troops be removed from Syria since "We've defeated ISIS except for one percent that neighbor Turkey" will clean out, but because Trump is determined to attack Iran and Mattis knows that Iran will retaliate against our forces and interests in the Persian Gulf. 

Trump doesn't care, then, because he owes favors to whoever has been pulling his anti-Iran strings for money. Maybe he is pulling U.S. troops out of Syria to clear the path for Israel to start another war it can't fight for itself. I don't know. He's got some issues.

If only things were so simple as U.S. troops and mercenaries getting out of a mess we sure don’t need in Syria after years of kowtowing to wingnuts -- and all as a favor to Russia from Trump because they engaged in activity promoting his candidacy. It’s hard to believe a serious blog would put out tripe like that.

#Trump #Bonesaw #Syria #Russia #Bolton #Israel #Kushner #Netanyahoo #Iran #FalseFlag #MoZayed #MohammedBinZayed
#MohammedBinSalman #Bahrain #Manama #Diplomacy #GunboatDiplomacy #Bribery #ConspiracyTheories #Payoff #Mattis #PersianGulf #Dubai #Kurds #Maddow #MadCowMaddow #Yemen #JamalKhashoggi #Turkey #Erdogan

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Guiliani, really?

Don't waste your time on planet Earth with Rudy noun-verb-9/11 Guiliani. Don't give him and his creepy buddies one red cent. He's a fucking joke. Truly. You don't need to waste Bahraini dinars paying Rudy to set up a meeting with any legislator in D.C. and you didn't need me to tell you that.

His wild and crazy work for the whining corrupt ninny in the White House is not something that you can get to work for you. 

Guiliani is going through an expensive divorce and he's traveling in your area looking for easy money. Give him a handshake and say bye-bye. Don't put a dollar in his greasy palms. 

I notice that you met him in an office by the street. Couldn't wait to get away, right?

#RudyGuiliani #Guiliani #Bahrain #Trump #WhiteHouse #Lobbyists

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

International Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, to Protect Bonesaw Al Saud vs Intelligence Community Assessment

John McCone came to mind today when reading Jed Shugerman’s Salon piece on Nixon’s lawyers who went to prison for their crimes including Kleindienst, who’d given a sweet deal to ITT in an antitrust lawsuit settlement. I wondered if McCone was on the ITT board or employed by them at that time, so I went to my files and then to Google.

(I once saw a cool photograph at Norcliffe of your grandfather Hamad standing with John McCone in Bahrain during the days of the British Protectorate, probably related to Standard Oil or Bechtel.)

And doggone it, I was diverted by Wikipedia with the fund solicitation during a quick trip there, ended up spending way more time than intended because John McCone was a fascinating war profiteer, engineer, government servant and businessman.

However, one find was a reminder from his archives of his term as CIA Director and some of the bloody operations he oversaw, including regime changes, and when he was no longer in government service, how he either attempted to use or did successfully pay CIA personnel for the benefit of ITT to aid in the overthrow of Allende.

Shugerman suggests that Trump’s so-called Acting Attorney General, Whitaker, may be taking care not to end up incarcerated for participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice. There's certainly an international conspiracy to obstruct justice going on.

I wonder if the members of Trump’s administration who publicly declare that there’s no smoking gun (and the Netanyahoo administration and you and the weasel Mohammed bin Zayed) if any leaders will face justice for openly participating in an international conspiracy to obstruct justice for the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi and disposal of his body in an undoubtedly un-Islamic manner.  Perhaps there will be international justice for the Saudi crown prince’s conspiracy to murder Khashoggi.

The torture queen waterboard-tape-evidence-destroying CIA Director did not participate in the Mattis and Pompeo dog-and-pony show circling round what Lindsey Graham calls the “smoking bonesaw.”  She held a separate briefing with a limited number of our Congressional committee members, in classified session. It seems likely that she confirmed the leaks from the intelligence community that they’ve got a high level of confidence in their assessment that Bonesaw is ultimately responsible. 

It could not be concluded otherwise from the totality of information publicly released by President Erdogan and leaked by others with intercepted communications.

So what is the role of the CIA in this? Looking through the window of tonight’s research, what is the corporate interest pushing to oust disgraced killer Bonesaw? While I welcome his removal from power, trial and justice for murder and war crimes, I cannot but wonder who the McCone is in this set of circumstances. I just hope it's not Brennan.

#CIA #Mattis #Pompeo #Trump #TurkiBinFaisal #AdelAlJubeir #Netanyahoo #Bonesaw #MohammedBinZayed #MatthewWhitaker #ITT #JohnMcCone #Allende #JamalKhashoggi #MohammedBinSalman #JohnBrennan #Vendetta #SmokingBonesaw #AlSaud #SaudiArabia #Bahrain #Sisi